The very definition of ‘soft target’ sends shivers down our spines, as we immediately ask ourselves, ‘Is my business a soft target too’?
So, what is so frightening about being ‘a soft target’? Do we really have to be so unnerved, or is it all an over the top reaction?
Definition-wise, ‘soft target’ refers to something, which is easy to attack or get an advantage from (taken from the Cambridge dictionary).
Question: How do YOU interpret being ‘ a soft target’, and HOW does it relate to your position or business?
Implications of your business becoming a ‘soft target’
In short, robberies are most often crimes of opportunity. Any weakness in your defences will result in criminals breaking in.
Looking at the statistic, offers us any respite, as data for burglary related crime in and around Gold Coast is significantly higher than elsewhere in the country. Sadly, most of these crimes were perpetrated against shops and small businesses. In fact, the crime trends clearly show that more than half of all small businesses in Australia are burgled at some time. For us, the scenario gets even more frightening when the stats say that many premises are hit for a second time within a few months of the first strike. The second strike sending further shockwaves – just when businesses are recovering and getting back on their feet with refurbished stock and new equipment.
For us, a business, a burglary is much more than the loss of usual stuff such as goods and property, it directly affects the team.
Reality Check, on Our way to Not becoming a ‘soft target’
But, hey, we are not here to make you a scaredy cat! Rather, we are here to assist you out by offering an ideal solution to protect your business from criminals of all shapes and sizes!
Since robberies are often times crimes of opportunity, we need to be doubly cautious in not inviting opportunities for burglars. We are all frantically rushing towards the festive season. While celebrations, shopping and well earned breaks are the things we look forward to at this time of the year. Now, the criminals are also looking to gain the upper hand, by sneaking in to our business establishments.
Protecting Your business from being a Soft Target
For effectively protecting your business from being a soft target, we have come up with a checklist consisting of few vital aspects.
Run though this quick checklist and implement these strategies before you close off for the year.
Ensuring that you have an assets register with a record of the serial numbers,
Capturing and storing of photos of your assets; this will make the job of the Police and Insurance company so much easier in the event of a break in,
Remember to store this off premises in a safe place,
Permanently marking your assets (computers etc); this makes your items far less
appealing to thieves,
Doing a risk assessment, and making a checklist of where you see opportunities for
somebody to commit a crime,
Checking the surroundings, and dealing with overgrown bushes, untrimmed hedges
and other hiding places,
Installing Crimsafe® Commercial range of products, designed with five times the
number of tamper-proof resistant screws than products for domestic use. Commercial
premises need heavier protection than domestic residences.
Matching your external security measures with internal measures; putting cash and
other valuable merchandise in a bolted-down safe or a strongroom; BUT definitely out of
Consider installing sensor security lights, an intruder alarm and CCTV; the alarm
should be of the monitored type with proper alarm response procedures,
Putting a warning sign in the window; indicating the business is alarmed and under
CCTV surveillance (even if you do not have a security alarm) this will deter a certain
number of opportunistic burglars,
Getting to know your neighbours; consider collaborating with them to share your
security concerns as well as the cost of CCTV or other systems or security staff,
If you have a large area that’s difficult to secure, guard dogs are a good option together
with sensor lights,
If you have a security system, change codes regularly; especially when an employee
leaves the business,
Do not leave items that can be easily used to gain access such as ladders or other
equipment lying around outside.
Setting up a roster with your staff to get someone to drive by and check on the premises
whilst you are closed,
Vary routines such as banking days, close out procedures etc,
Making sure someone is responsible to clear the mail whilst the business is closed.
Beat the definition – tick off the list to make sure that your business remains safe and secure during this festive season.
If Crimsafe® is one of the key elements that you are missing on the list to secure your premises, then contact us on 55352000 today. Or, pop into our showroom to chat to an expert and let us display the Crimsafe® difference.
We are Here to Create Your Vision
If you have any question about Central Glass and aluminium, or would like to talk with someone about your needs, we have a team of experts who love to help.
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