Plainly, you can never be too safe around pools. In a country like this one, where pools are extremely popular, there are roughly 250 drownings in backyard pools annually – a number that is just too high for a nation of swimmers.
Sadly, many of these accidents occur due to an inadequate barrier between the rest of the yard and the pool. Toddlers and kids can easily get away from sightlines, and in the absence of a good fence between the poolside and the home, can quickly fall in. Most of these occurrences are harmless, but some are not so.
Due to this danger, many homeowners are taking their pool barrier more seriously. And a key contender in this new trend is the Crimsafe lineup of pool barriers. This new fencing has the strength to keep out nearly anyone, and is tough enough to withstand a great deal of abuse, both from people and the elements, without giving way.
Such is the strength of Crimsafe Security Doors and Screens that they are typically employed for use as a nigh-unbreakable security door. The unique clamping mechanism means the screen is all but unbreakable from the frame, so the door itself cannot be kicked in, no matter the effort. The high-grade steel ensures that the structural integrity of the door is never in question. And the construction, and the installation, will leave you in no doubt about the safety of your back yard.
Crimsafe maintains a further advantage over the glass fences used by many to cordon off their pools. Crimsafe allow air to flow through them, allowing your pool to access the breeze. On the hottest days, this can be vital. This quality also allows it to be well-suited to balustrades and railing inserts.
Help keep your family safe with Crimsafe security doors and screens, and keep you Gold Coast pool safe.
If you have any question about Central Glass and aluminium, or would like to talk with someone about your needs, we have a team of experts who love to help.
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